Thursday, August 25, 2011

New Rose Garden!

I am so excited! I bought 5 new rose bushes and am going to plant a rose garden this weekend. The roses are not impressive yet.. but I am hopeful for next year and for years to follow!
I bought 1 climbing and 4 knockout roses.

Here is a little sketch of the garden I am going to make at the back of my yard. I plan to plant them in the shape of an S as this garden is going to be in memory of my sister Sarah. She always loved roses!
If you look real hard you will find a few plants that are still in bloom around my house....(It's surprising anything survived through this hot hot summer!)

Happy Gardening everyone!


Lydia said...

Great configuration on the rose layout. May your next summer be kinder to you- your roses will thrive under your care no matter what the temperature

Karen said...

Your flowers are still pretty despite the heat. It's so wonderful that you are planting your rose garden to honor your sister. Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment,

Olga Poltava said...

I hope your new roses will do well in your garden and their blooms will bring you lots of joy.
At this time, I don't have many blooms in my garden either, but the few I can find brighten up my days.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and your kind comment.
Have a nice weekend!

Patty in Oz said...

How lovely!!

The rose bushes are sure to love the cool temps this week. Be sure to keep us updated on their progress.