Monday, May 10, 2010

The beginning of my garden...

I've been wanting so badly to start a vegetable garden in our backyard, but with everything going on this spring I didn't think I would find the time to get one started. After much motivation from fellow bloggers, encouragment from friends and family, and a devoted husband that was willing to help me out.... behold...the beginning of my vegetable garden.

What? I'm missing something? Oh that's right, the plants. Well, unfortunately it's supposed to rain for the next 4 days so I can't plant them until it dries up a bit. But I do have a plan to have them in by the end of the week.

And yes, I realize my garden doesn't look like the typical garden. But I am excited to say I am trying the 'square foot garden' method. I read Mel Bartholomew's book and decided it seemed to be the most practical garden for the needs of my family. If you haven't heard of it and are interested in gardening you really should pick up a copy.
If you have pics of your garden on your blog, be sure to leave me a comment so I can come check it out! I love to admire people's gardens!


Susan said...

Good for you, Amy! Sounds interesting. Good luck! Sincerely, Susan

Unknown said...

Amy, I think you and your family will really enjoy your garden. My family does. We just have a small space we plant every year but this year the weather has been weird and we haven't planted yet. I need to get on that. Yours looks great, it will be easy to keep up with. Good luck.

Andrea said...

Kudos to you for making it happen! I keep saying, "I want to plant (insert every vegetable, fruit, and herb available in my zone) and have yet to till up the ground to do it. Maybe I just needed this to give me the motivation...I will see what I can do.

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Off to check out the book - Thanks for posting Amy!