I was pleasantly surprised to find that another PaperBack Swap book arrived in my mail. This time it was a cookbook I had requested. If you haven't signed up yet, you should! http://blog.paperbackswap.com/
Whatever is true, Whatever is noble, Whatever is right, Whatever is pure, Whatever is lovely, Whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. Philippians 4:8
I married my best friend April 26th, 2010 on the beach in Jamaica!
Our Husky
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You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough.
Finding Joy
Good Sunday to all my precious blog peeps.
Here's hoping your day will hold good things for you, maybe even a couple
of surprises.
Speaking of surpr...
13 Next-Level Nurse Themed Cocktails
Nurse Cocktails are the perfect way to add some fun to any party, and I
absolutely love creative themed drinks! There’s something so exciting about
Weekly Meal Plan 3-9-25
[image: Photo collage of recipes for I Heart Naptime.]Using a weekly meal
plan will save you time, money and reduce stress at dinnertime. Having a
plan als...
How To Propagate Succulents
[image: How To Propagate Succulents]
Succulents are some of the easiest houseplants to propagate because there
are several ways to do it. Today we'll show ...
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
Winter White
Hello everyone,
How are you? I know it has been a very
long time since I posted here so I
thought I would check in to let you
know I am still here.
Freebie Cross Stitch Pattern and Organizing
Hello friends, are you cleaning, organizing and making goals? I have been
busy doing all those things! We had Christmas with all our kids and
grandkids ...
And a Merry Christmas to All
Merry Christmas from me and my merry gang!
I’m letting go of the cookies that didn’t get baked, the projects that
didn’t get made, the cards that didn’...
Cindy's Favorite Oatmeal Cookies
This is just a basic, plain oatmeal cookie recipe - no cinnamon, no chips,
no raisin, no nuts - just the way I like it!
1 1/2 cups all-p...
'Tis the Season..
Hello everyone! I found a little time in my week to post, and thought
that since it's December...I would share a tiny bit of Christmas decor.
As I ...
Wrought Iron Plant Stand
A thrift store three-tier plant stand gets a makeover for Fall.
The post Wrought Iron Plant Stand appeared first on My Repurposed Life®.
The Greetery - Harvest Fest Collection Day 2…
One more day of beautiful things from The Greetery’s Harvest Fest
Collection! I’ve used the lovely, new Wildwood stamp set and dies on my
first card. This ...
Summer Speed
Hello! Just popping in very quickly in amongst wrapping a big parcel,
making a packed lunch, sorting laundry, dashing out to the shops, and
packing for a f...
Anybody still out there?
And just like that, almost 5 years have passed. 5 YEARS!!! (well, almost 5
years, but still!) I'm still around, though this little corner of the web
has be...
Spring Cleaning Challenge – Laundry Room
I’m so excited to have you join me for the Spring Cleaning Challenge! This
is the fifth week and we’re focusing on the Laundry Room. We’ll deep clean
Book Club Ornament
I'm a part of several book clubs, but I made a commitment to one of my
friend's book clubs, or rather, to myself. I decided I was going to read
every ...
Fakta Menarik Tinggal Pada Rumah Di Cibubur
Jika anda sedang melakukan pencarian rumah yang cocok untuk tinggal di
daerah DKI Jakarta maka hal yang demikian bukanlah perkara yang sulit.
Meskipun di...
Bright & Beautiful Studios Befores and Afters!
Many of you know about the office we renovated last year, but I haven't
shared the before and after photos or shared the whole story yet! About a
year ...
Fidget place-mats
*Fidget place-mats*
*W*hat fun I had on some very cold days doing one of my favorite things
'sewing & hand stitching'.
*W*hen Myra Jacobs asked me if I'd ...
Happy Valentine’s Day, 2020!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all!
We just arrived from a cruise to the UAE and one of our plane lay over was
in Amsterdam. I just love all their tulips and bl...
Thus Concludes January
Hubby and I had no plans to go anywhere in January, February or March.
Sort of the calm before the storm and a good time for projects. The best
laid pl...
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
I installed this corkboard wall in a matter of hours, so I happily pass on
the tutorial to you! The hardest part was just worrying about whether or
not i...
DIY Sliding Closet Door
A while back we did a lot of work on our teen boy's bedroom closet which
included widening the doorway to allow for a large, built-in storage unit.
His roo...
January 2020 Penny Pinching Party
I'm in denial that it's January 2020 and am still going through all of the
December links from the Penny Pinching Party last month. So many great
Christmas in Michigan!
I rarely find time these days to post on my blog, but I wanted to take the
time to do so today.
This is my home decorated for winter/Christmas. I have fal...
Two More Quilts for Sale
Whew! Since my last post I've sold quite a few quilts and, I've gotta say,
it feels much less scary now to let them go out into the world. Thank you
Toko Bunga Ngaliyan di Kota Semarang
Toko Bunga Semarang. Saat ini kita pasti sudah mengetahui bahwa toko online
sangat membantu kita dalam memenuhi kebutuhan
maupun keperluan kita sehari-har...
It's Summer
Me in March: Blogging is fun! Lots of quilting time. Kids are in school.
Making all the quilts in Wovens! Plenty of sleep. Me in April: Sewing
around the c...
I find this more amusing than my kids do
I made this block (you can see all the sides in this little video) because
I was getting sick of nagging and sick of saying the same thing every day
to my ...
*Hello my friends......I have taken the plunge and moved over to Word
Press. Please come visit me there from here on out. This site will be
Favorite Things 2018
It's been WAY too long since I posted a favorites thing post - so I've been
working hard for the past two days to get this new one up, just in time for
Before and After - 1910 House Living Room
Last summer we completed a large scale renovation to open up and update our
family room, foyer, and downstairs bathroom in our 1910 house. The goal was
*Since five months have past since I last posted here on my blog, I decided
to share some lilac photos. Enjoy! K. *
*I finished this seating area in my be...
Lightning Bugs, Your Questions Answered
Lightning Bugs was one of the most personally important collections that I
have designed, partly because it was my fist ever collection for
Shut the Front Door!
So part of the exterior transformation, we had to decide on a new front
door. The original front door was in good shape but sometimes ugly
"trumps" everyt...
Keeping Warm
Well hello out there! It has been awhile. I don't think I've ever been away
from my little blog for as long as I have. My last post was in October 2016
Instant Pot Christmas Roast
Remember that Tomato Chutney recipe from the other day?! Here it is
again…this time, spooned onto sliced beef roast from the Instant Pot. And
it’s so ridic...
Our Holiday Inn Asheville Vacation
Hey again! Its been only a month since our last getaway to Aruba, so we
took a family trip to Asheville, North Carolina & brought Noah this time!
To be ...
Instant Pot Vietnamese Yogurt Recipe
I eat yogurt for breakfast most mornings. It’s not glamorous but it’s
healthy and easy to assemble a bowl of muesli, fruit, yogurt, and honey. I
add a heap...
Our new homeschool room
After four years of using our dining room as our learning space, we finally
have our very own school room. This may not seem like a big deal to some,
Spring Greetings
Greetings dear friends! Thank you for all of your wonderful notes over the
past several months, and please accept my sincere apologizes for not
Instant Frame
[image: Instant Frame]
I have a blank area at the top of the stairs that I’m excited to finally
decorate. I came up with a lot of different ideas but fin...
The proposal...
Last weekend Lil Tony and I had the privilege to photograph and videotape
my dear friend's daughter engagement. The week before the big day there
were m...
#14 - Go to New York City with Mike
Even though the completion date for my 101 Goals in 1001 Days list was more
than 9 months ago, I finally...FINALLY...crossed this off from my Bucket
*Our local calendars by Emay Images are back in stock :-)*
*These calendars are so popular at Christmas time as they make the perfect
gift. They are easy t...
Tea towel pillow covers
Don't you just love the darling tea towels you see everywhere. I found
these at Rod Works and loved them but didn't know where to display them. I
had so...
The Best Guacamole Recipe Ever!
New recipe on Kevin & Amanda Recipes today! :) For Cinco de Mayo or Taco
Tuesday, this is the BEST guacamole recipe ever!! Click the title below to
get t...
Finally back with an Easter inspired post!
Hello, somebody out there?
Just trying today if I still know how to blog after almost a year long
break *phew*
It's not so easy to come back after such a ...
Loving it or Laziness???
O.K. friends, please tell me I am not alone! It is Friday morning on the
8th day of January, & my Christmas decorations are all still up?....Are any
of ...
december designs
This month I am making my sampler for dear Sally...and this is the start...
I plan to have this on it's way before the end of the week.
Lovelies from the Archive No. 2
(Updated 12/30/22)
Although these items have all sold, these gorgeous supplies are too pretty
to not share.
You can find our current selection ...
Curious George 3: Back To The Jungle (2015)
Full Streaming Curious George 3: Back To The Jungle in High Definition
FormatNow you can see Curious George 3: Back To The Jungle in HD quality
with durat...
October - moving forward, creating once more ...
I was thinking today how very lucky I am to be able to create, to be able
to do something with my heart that hopefully touches someone else's in some
way ...
O2 Convention....Amazing...
What a great 6 days I just had in Chicago. So energizing to travel away
from my usual routine and remember that the world is a big place full of
Mums last Cancer research charity event *sob*
Every year we all love going to mums up in Berwick and taking part in the
charity event they organise. Each year since my dad died, mum and a few
other re...
Barn Door for a Closet!
These closet doors are dreamy!!! *Dream Book Design *turned an
unattractive closet door into something I want!!! Learn *how to build a
barn door for a...
my guest room...
I now have a guest room in my home.
My little girl moved out to her first place
and *I miss her.*
While I am very happy for her and it really was time,
*I m...
new place
I'm blogging here these days. Still quilting and baking and reading and
making, but often putting the photos on Instagram, and writing about
different subj...
Advent Calendar
I had been wanting a cute advent calendar for a couple of years. We had
used a cheap felt one from Walmart for a few years. It did the job okay,
but it ...
Best tool!
My creative juices have been flowing again. Thank God, I thought they were
gone for good! I've done a few makeovers I hope to share soon. But first
I ha...
Food Wars
WARNING: There are no pictures in this post to protect the innocent…and the
guilty…well, to protect me. It’s mostly to protect me… When I woke this
Dahlia Time at Floret Flower Farm
Hello, I wanted to share a few images I took over the weekend during my
visit to Floret Flower Farm in the Skagit Valley in Washington. I had the
Mosaic Monday Change
*Just a reminder: Judith, of Lavender Cottage, will be taking over Mosaic
Monday beginning this Sunday. She will be posting around 2:00pm EST. *
New Things, New York & Happy New Year
*Hello. Happy New Year. How is it March already? I know its a cliché but
time really does fly. **We've had a nice start to 2014. Some good
All dried up?
All dried up? I don't think so! Yes it has been almost a year since our
last post... between all the other choices to post on our blogs kind of
took a bac...
2013 was a busy year for our home!
Hello! Firstly, I wanted to tell you Happy New Year! I hope everyone has
had a wonderful holiday, and is perhaps still enjoying these last few days
I really love this time of year! My neighbor has wonderful apple trees in
her backyard. For our annual Halloween block party I picked apples from
the ...
Adrienne's Nursery
One more "Before and After" before we move for you all :) This has to be
my favorite room in the house....but I'm a little biased. Adri's room is
by fa...
Summer of 13
*Living*: The Ancient Industries shop.
Above the post office at
408 Sharon Goshen Turnpike
West Cornwall, Connecticut 06796
Open Saturdays, 10-2.
Closed ...
re·veal */riˈvēl/*
1. to make known; disclose; divulge: to reveal a secret.
2. to lay open to view; display; exhibit.
I have been looking forward to my new...
My New Site Is Live
Ekkk! My new website just launched!!!
I have been planning my new site for about a year now and it is finally
live.[image: Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 10.55...
Hello...I didn't mean to let a whole week pass between posts. I have things
to show you!
First of all, I finished the Scallop quilt last Sunday. I did some...
Why So Quiet?
Hello out there....(knock, knock) anyone still here? I realized to the
bloggy world it seems that I dropped off the face of the earth. But
there's a sto...
1965 Land Yacht Airstream Trailer
We have had her for awhile, but just never got around to fixing her up and
placing her at her new home. She is our littl...
Homemade Laundry Detergent!!!
Wow..it feels like a lifetime since I posted on my blog...I have been
neglecting all my crafting duties and basically becoming and absolute
slacker when it...
This year, even with all the chaos of our lives, I couldn't keep my girls
from growing up. This was their senior year.
Let me just say that again: THIS WA...
Weekend Getaway
We are still alive and kicking...
Corey and I recently got away for the entire weekend...
with no kids.
It was a perfect way to catch up on sleep...and s...
Hey Everyone!
Hey Everyone!
It's been quite some time hasn't it? I received a lot of emails lately
asking how I've been doing. So I thought I'd give you an update. Ev...
Congrats to Laura Dekker!
*Laura Dekker on board her boat 'Guppy'*
Laura Dekker finished her solo-circumnavigation today in St Martin Island
in the Carribean.
Congratualtions Laura...
Catching Up
*You Snooze, You Lose!*
*Well, I wasn't exactly sleeping but I have been very busy with x-mas
decorating and shopping and adding a new member to the family ...
Best of 2011 {take 3}
It sort of feels like I was just writing this same post for last year
yesterday. I cannot believe how quickly 2011 has passed up by! When
reviewing our dif...
2 weeks of November Art Journalling
Week 1 -- this week coincided with the start of Julie's 30 Days in your
Journal online class, so I used some of the same tools and techniques we
used in th...
The Kitchen - Before and After
Before I get started with this post, I have a little disclaimer...
I have debated and debated about showing the inside of our house. To me,
it's very perso...
We've Moved!
We are SO HAPPY to be back from our Summer break and have some really great
news! We have made the big switch to a better, prettier, easier to use
Debby Schuh Class at Paper Tales
A fabulous day was had by my mom and me and all the gals at Paper Tales in
San Diego today! We drove down to the famous paper shop at were drooling
all ove...
White Wednesday~Kitchen Whites
I'm linking up with Kathleen's White Wednesday today....
These are the tops of our cabinets in the kitchen~
A chippy old column....
I had two like this, but...
Change your links, bookmarks & feeds!
Don't forget - I'm moving soon, back to my humble beginnings at
www.sommerdesigns.blogspot.com ! I've already started blogging over there,
and I'm in the p...
~ My Victoria Collection ~
*Today I am joining Cindy*
*My Romantic Home*
*~ Show and Tell Friday ~*
*~ Favorite Things Friday ~*
*A Few of My Favorite Thi...
Pierson's first T-Ball game
Tonight was Pierson's first T-Ball game, he is grown up so fast. He had a
blast and was so excited about getting off of his gear together. He did
such a ...
I've got a brand new blog...and a giveaway!!
Yes, it is true...I finally did it!
After a year of plotting, planning, obsessing and second-guessing
myself...I have a new blog!
And the best part??....
Sew Excited
Today I went shopping for upholstery fabric. I had picked it out a few
weeks ago with my mother-in-law and as the sale ended this weekend, I
thought I'd...